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How To Find Clients Workshop

Learn the 5 secrets to filling your client roster (without spending $1 on ads or having to post all the time).

Join us live:

February 18th @ 10am MST

Don't miss out on what many coaches are saying is ...

“the golden ticket to getting the best clients so easily!”

I am so excited to share exactly what I’ve been doing to bring clients into my business on a weekly basis that has

increased our revenue by 61%

Hi! I am Amanda,

Coach, Creator of the Best Damn Coach Podcast with over nearly 1 Million downloads and the Best Damn Coach podcast.

With over 25 years of coaching experience, Amanda is truly the “coach’s coach.” Her work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Today Online and on podcasts like Cubicle To CEO and more.

Amanda left her career as a high school teacher building her coaching practice to multi-seven figures and counting focusing on client results. She has helped thousands of coaches grow their confidence and coaching mastery as well as build thriving coaching practices.

Amanda Walker’s passion for coaching, her unwavering commitment to her clients, and her profound impact on their lives have earned her the well-deserved reputation as the Best Damn Coach in the industry.

Amanda smiles eyes are closed

You decided to become a coach to make a difference and help people. But what you've realized is finding those people is harder than you thought.

In fact, there are ways to find clients that don't feel icky or "salesy" and don't require you to spend hours making Instagram reels that nobody will see. In fact, you are probably just a few small tweaks away from reaching your ideal client consistently. In my FREE workshop I will share the ways you can fill YOUR client roster consistently with the dreamiest of clients.

We’ve built our entire coaching suite off of this model now and love helping coaches like you do the same.

In this workshop, I will share:

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