Framework Builder Lab

Live Cohort '24

Create Your Signature Coaching Framework in less than 24 Hours

It’s 2024, and there are so many brilliant coaches out there... standing out can feel more and more impossible.

You feel like a hidden gem, like you blend in with every other coach on the internet.  The imposter syndrome is REAL.  

Even worse…you struggle talking about your own coaching process and wonder if it’s actually “legit” so you often avoid talking about it all together. 

You’re left wondering…

…how can I stand out?

…why would someone pick me?

…can I really get my clients the results I promised them?

….can I actually make money as a coach?

What if I told you there is an easy way to carve out your own space in the coaching industry and stand out like the expert you are?

And it’s more simple than you imagined (even if you are starting out or haven’t coached hundreds of clients…yet)!

The most effective way to stand out and attract clients with ease is to create your own Signature Coaching Framework.

Think about it...every uber successful coach is known for their own signature coaching framework. AND will be too!

Why do I need a Signature Coaching Framework?

A signature coaching framework is a step-by-step process unique to your coaching business that you take each client through to produce consistent results…time after time after time.

Your signature coaching framework is what you teach and how to teach it. It’s what allows you to immediately stand out and distinguish yourself from every other coach in the industry and guarantee consistent results for your clients. It gives structure to your coaching so you can focus on what you do best…coaching your clients.

And I will teach you how to create your signature coaching framework LIVE inside the Framework Builder Lab™ {even if you don’t think you have a framework yet.}

Imagine having your own unique process, not some cookie-cutter method you learned in your coach certification, that allows you to stand out from others in your niche.

Because of that, you start to feel like and look like an expert. Clients begin to trust you more because you have a proven process that guarantees their success.

You get more sales calls booked, more profit follows and because of it you are confident, have complete clarity in your process and start to see how you can truly get paid to do what you love (and are really good at).

I'll show you how to build yours inside the...


Inside the Lab I'll walk you through the Reverse Design Method

in 3 simple steps


In this phase, you will discover:

  • How To Create a Results-Guaranteed Process So That You Feel Clear And Confident
  • How To Identify Clear Client Objectives
  • How To Create A Successful Client Journey
  • How To Identify The Best Coaching Container For Your Framework


In this phase, you will discover:

  • How To Build Out Content That Encourages Your Clients To Take Action
  • How To Create Deliverables That Align With Your Coaching AND Deepen Client Results
  • The Secret To Creating AMAZING Content For Your Clients


In this phase, you will discover:

  • How To Name & Package Your Framework
  • How To Amplify Your Framework
  • How To Deepen Self-Belief In Your Framework

Plus these amazing bonuses!

Here are some of the amazing results our Framework Builder Lab students are having...

"I think the biggest impact for me in having a framework is in my belief in myself & confidence. When you know what your "secret sauce is, you have excitement around what you have to offer AND for your clients in getting those results."

"I think the biggest impact for me in having a framework is in my belief in myself & confidence. When you know what your "secret sauce is, you have excitement around what you have to offer AND for your clients in getting those results."

Meet Tina...

…Coach to women over 40 to help them reconnect to their purpose…again.

Challenge: Lacked confidence in how she would coach her clients, felt like an imposter, had inconsistent action, and wasn’t showing up as the coach and biz owner she knew she could be.

RESULTS: Complete confidence and clarity in her coaching AND signing clients!

Meet Sam...

…PR Coach for solopreneurs, with over 20 years in the industry helping clients land major visibility opportunities.

Challenge:  Had no idea how to organize and bring all her expertise together to coach clients. She was frustrated, stuck in analysis paralysis, and wasn’t showing up because she didn’t know where to start.

Results: Launched AMPLIFY, a step-by-step system for solopreneurs to create a visibility strategy to get more eyes on their work.

"Thank you SO MUCH for our work today! Idk how you pull this stuff out of me - it continues to blow my mind! I'm so happy about everything that we put onto paper today. I finally feel like I know what I'm doing and more so, I have hope for the future!"

"Thank you SO MUCH for our work today! Idk how you pull this stuff out of me - it continues to blow my mind! I'm so happy about everything that we put onto paper today. I finally feel like I know what I'm doing and more so, I have hope for the future!"

"Oh my goodness, breakthroughs were happening every session, I was learning something in real time, implementing in real time and then able to ask the questions in real time, I cannot tell you how this gave me so much clarity and confidence, I could almost see my course and framework building before my eyes like Tom Hanks solving the clues in the Davinci code."

"Oh my goodness, breakthroughs were happening every session, I was learning something in real time, implementing in real time and then able to ask the questions in real time, I cannot tell you how this gave me so much clarity and confidence, I could almost see my course and framework building before my eyes like Tom Hanks solving the clues in the Davinci code."

Meet Liz...

…Adoption Mentor to parents.

Challenge: She had an idea of how she wanted to help people on their journey, and even had an idea of the modules.  However, had not executed anything because she was unsure of how to put it together so it was cohesive.

Results: She is CRUSHING IT! She has complete clarity and confidence in what she is delivering so much so that she is showing up consistently on social media, and in newsletters and her coaching program is LIVE!

Once you complete the Framework Builder Lab™ here is what you will have:

Framework Builder Lab™ is for coaches, mentors, practitioners, therapists, or content experts who:

Who Framework Builder Lab™ is NOT for:

Hear from some of our Framework Builder Graduates...

Hartfelt Healings, LLC

Sales Conversion Strategist

Millennial Money Method

Adoption Mentor

Your Investment

Live Cohort

Starts 10/30-12/4, Wednesdays 9-10.30 AZ Time
  • Core Training Modules ($4987 value)
  • BONUS Bundle ($1997 value)
  • Lifetime Access To F.B.L. Modules
  • Access To The Framework Builder VIP Facebook Community ($497 value)
  • Access to SIX Live Coaching Sessions + Q&A
    ($3997 value)
  • Total Value: $10,975.00
  • $497

For real friends, I want this to be packed with value and I want to over deliver. It’s a no-brainer for you to join us.

Click below to save your seat and stand out as a coach by creating your signature framework.


Is this just for coaches?

The FBL is for anyone who mentors, coaches, and serves people with a proven process and wants to nail it down. Graduates of the FBL are coaches, mentors, and industry leaders who want a clear methodology.

What If I'm just starting out?

Yes!!! Join us because getting clear on your framework as you start out will give you major confidence in how you show up with clients and in your brand.

Will this help me attract clients?

Creating a signature framework is the most effective way to stand out and attract your clients. It gives you a clear process to weave into your marketing and sets you apart.

5 Steps To Being a Better Coach

So you can make more money.

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