Beyond the Best Damn Coach: Amanda’s Personal Journey

Beyond the Best Damn Coach: Amanda's Personal Journey

Beyond the Best Damn Coach: Amanda’s Personal Journey

As the Best Damn Coach, I usually host my podcasts, but this time, I flipped the script and became the interviewee for Adam from Podcasting Business School. This unusual role allowed me to share my professional journey and personal insights, including my athletic past and faith-driven self-improvement, in a way that deeply connected with my audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • My childhood determination foreshadowed my future success.
  • Whether staying at home or working outside, it’s about the purpose behind it, not the title.
  • Faith and self-improvement play crucial roles in my personal and professional life.

A Glimpse into My Childhood

The early years of my life in Arizona played a big role in shaping who I am today. As a kid, I was a bit bossy (okay, maybe a lot bossy!) and super determined. I even remember giving it my all in a lip-syncing contest at Mister Lucky’s, channeling my inner Tina Turner with “What’s Love Got to Do with It?”

That drive and determination have stuck with me throughout my life and into my business. My parents were always incredibly supportive, whether I was twirling in dance classes or suddenly deciding to hit the basketball court in 7th grade. They taught me the importance of leadership and sticking with something, even when it gets tough. My dad even coached my basketball team, and his influence, along with my competitive spirit, definitely shaped my coaching style today.

Playing varsity basketball all through high school taught me even more about resilience and never giving up, even when faced with challenges. It’s simple: “If I want something, I go after it.” That was true then, and it’s still true now.

Looking back, I realize how important it is to encourage kids to pursue their passions. It builds confidence and sets them up for success later in life, no matter what path they choose.

The True Essence of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

The phrase “stay-at-home mom” carries more weight than it seems, as my own journey through motherhood has shown me. I’ve experienced it all – being a full-time mom, working part-time from home, and even having a career outside the house. Each role brought its own unique challenges and rewards.

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to motherhood. The term “stay-at-home mom” can sometimes be used to create division among women, but we’re all on the same team, juggling our responsibilities and doing our best. Whether you’re at home full-time, working part-time, or pursuing a career outside the home, it’s all hard work.

I remember when I first started my business, my husband’s unpredictable schedule as a SWAT team member made things even more challenging. It was tough balancing the demands of my growing business with the needs of my young children. I felt frustrated and resentful, wondering when it would be “my turn.”

But then my husband gave me some simple yet profound advice: “Have you ever just invited them in to play office with you? Set up a table, put out some coloring stuff? If you can get a good hour out of that.” It was a game-changer. I realized that I didn’t have to separate my work life from my family life completely. By involving my kids in my work, even in small ways, I was able to create a more harmonious balance.

The takeaway? Motherhood is a multifaceted journey, and there’s no single “right” way to do it. Let’s celebrate and support each other, regardless of the path we choose.

Faith and Self-Improvement: The Cornerstones of My Growth

During a challenging period in my business, I found myself seeking solace and direction through faith and self-improvement. It was an unexpected turn, but one that profoundly reshaped both my personal and professional life.

There was a moment in my office when I was overwhelmed with emotion and uncertainty. I knelt down and prayed, “God, please take my mind off my business success.” It was a vulnerable moment of surrender, acknowledging that I needed a shift in focus.

Through practices like the 75 Hard challenge, I found clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. My spiritual journey led me to prioritize human connections over financial gains, a decision that surprisingly fueled business growth. I shifted my focus from revenue dashboards to the metrics that truly mattered: the people I was serving.

This journey wasn’t just about finding emotional support; it also transformed my business strategies. By adopting a human-centric approach, I experienced significant growth in both revenue and client satisfaction.

My story highlights the importance of aligning personal values with professional goals. Embracing faith or any form of spiritual growth can offer fresh perspectives, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling career path. It’s a reminder that true success comes from nurturing our whole selves, not just our businesses.

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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