How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business

How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business (Coaching Audit Renee Tumolo Coaching)

How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business [Coaching Audit: Renee Tumolo Coaching]

Are you a talented coach who feels like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to finding the clients you want to work with? I get it – I was in the same place! In this episode of live coaching audit, I will help Renee Tumolo, a coach for high-level entrepreneurs and corporate professionals, navigate the challenges of attracting and converting ideal clients. Renee recently made a transition in her coaching niche and is struggling to find clients who are financially ready to hire her. I provided valuable insights and strategies to help Renee improve her messaging, find her target audience, and optimize her sales process. This way she can be a confident coach.


Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t wait for your website and branding to be perfect before taking action. Focus on delivering value and building relationships through workshops and networking events.
  • Speak the language of your ideal clients. Use titles and messaging that resonate with their pain points and aspirations.
  • Position your sales calls as discovery calls to set clear expectations and increase the readiness of potential clients to invest


As a coach, I often see clients like Renee focus too much on getting everything perfect before actively marketing themselves. While building strong programs and a great website is important, it shouldn’t become an excuse to stay hidden. Action, even imperfect action, is crucial for attracting those dream clients.

Here’s my advice to be a confident coach:

  • A simple workshop can start building your email list and demonstrate your expertise. Don’t underestimate the power of introducing yourself and offering value.
  • Think outside the typical coaching circles. Connect with therapists, physicians, and other professionals who interact with your ideal clients. Become their trusted resource.
  • Consistent action and delivering value within your niche helps establish you as an authority. This organic approach is what attracts the right clients and inspires them to work with you.


Craft Messaging that Cuts Through the Noise

I see so many coaches, like Renee, struggling to find the right words to connect with their ideal clients. They rely on generic buzzwords that fail to resonate. Here’s the key; speak the language your dream clients use when they describe their frustrations and deepest desires.

Think about it: A workshop titled “How to Stop Letting Your Job Suck the Life Out of You” instantly grabs the attention of the burned-out professional – it mirrors their feelings!

This kind of messaging does two things it creates connection and positions you as the solution.

Optimizing Your Sales Process for Success

It’s frustrating to get potential clients on calls, only to hear “I’m not financially ready” at the end. But, I challenge coaches like Renee to rethink that assumption. It’s rarely a matter of affordability and more often a sign that your sales process needs refinement.

Here are a few shifts that can make a big difference for Renee to be a confident coach:

  • Ditch terms like “breakthrough” or “free coaching” in favor of “discovery call.” This sets realistic expectations about the purpose of the conversation.
  • Let clients know at the outset that you’ll be discussing potential solutions and offers. This transparency fosters trust and avoids any surprises.
  • Objections about price are often rooted in a lack of perceived value. Focus on building rapport, demonstrating your expertise, and using social proof to show them why your coaching is a worthwhile investment.

Ready to get some personalized coaching?

If you have a specific challenge you’re facing in your business, I’d love to help! Each month, I open up one spot for a live coaching session on my podcast. It’s a great way to get laser-focused advice and make some breakthroughs. Think this could be you? Head over to and fill out the application. This opportunity fills up fast, so don’t wait!


Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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