How To Transition from 1:1 To Group Coaching

How To Transition from 1:1 To Group Coaching

How To Transition from 1:1 To Group Coaching

Are you a coach feeling stuck in the one-to-one coaching model? Do you dream of scaling your business but aren’t sure how to make the leap to group coaching? You’re not alone. Many coaches struggle with this transition, fearing they’ll lose the personal touch or fail to deliver the same quality results in a group setting.

I’m diving deep into the process of transitioning from one-to-one to group coaching. Drawing from my own experience of scaling from 40 individual clients to running successful group programs, I’ll share insights, strategies, and the biggest mistake I made along the way (which I want you to avoid!).

We’ll explore the benefits of both one-to-one and group coaching, discuss various group coaching models, and provide practical steps for making this transition smooth and profitable. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced coach looking to scale, this episode will help you envision what’s possible for your coaching business in the long term.

Stay tuned until the end, where I’ll reveal the number one mistake I made when transitioning to a group model – a lesson that could save you time, money, and stress as you grow your coaching business.


The Power of One-to-One Coaching

Before we dive into group coaching, let’s appreciate the strengths of one-to-one coaching:

  1. Intimate experience with clients
  2. Fastest way to make money as a new coach
  3. Ability to customize and personalize the coaching experience
  4. Immediate feedback and ability to pivot strategies

I strongly recommend mastering one-to-one coaching before transitioning to groups. The insights you gain from these personal interactions are invaluable for developing your coaching skills and refining your framework.


Signs It’s Time to Consider Group Coaching

While one-to-one coaching is powerful, there may come a time when you feel ready to scale. Here are some signs:

  1. You’re feeling burnt out from too many individual sessions
  2. You’ve reached an income ceiling with your current model
  3. You want more creative freedom and time to work on your business
  4. You see common themes among your clients that could be addressed in a group setting


The Benefits of Group Coaching

Group coaching offers unique advantages:

  1. Scalability – serve more clients without increasing time commitment proportionally
  2. Community building – clients learn from each other, not just you
  3. Diverse perspectives – clients benefit from hearing others’ questions and experiences
  4. Increased revenue potential – ability to serve more clients at once
  5. More time freedom – less tied to individual schedules


Types of Group Coaching Models

Group coaching isn’t one-size-fits-all. Consider these models:

  1. Weekly or bi-weekly live teaching sessions
  2. Hybrid model with course content and live Q&A
  3. Evergreen model with self-paced content and scheduled coaching calls
  4. Live launch model with cohort-based learning
  5. Open coaching hours model (like our Framework Builder Lab)

Choose a model that fits your teaching style, your clients’ needs, and your lifestyle goals.


Strategies for Transitioning to Group Coaching

Making the leap doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. Here are some strategies:

  1. Start with a hybrid model – offer both one-to-one and group sessions
  2. Gradually reduce one-to-one sessions as you grow your group program
  3. Test your framework with a small beta group before scaling
  4. Use your one-to-one experiences to refine your group coaching framework
  5. Address client concerns about personalization upfront

Remember, having a solid framework is crucial for successful group coaching. It ensures consistency and allows for scalability without sacrificing quality.


The Biggest Mistake to Avoid

The number one mistake I made? Not planning for scale from the beginning.

When a mentor asked me, “What would you do if 100 people wanted to work with you tomorrow?”, I brushed it off. This led to missed opportunities and leaving money on the table when demand outpaced my capacity.

Start thinking about scalability now, even if you’re not ready to implement group coaching yet. Build your framework with growth in mind, and you’ll set yourself up for long-term success.


Ready to Build Your Scalable Coaching Framework?

If you’re inspired to create a framework that can transition smoothly from one-to-one to group coaching, I have an exciting opportunity for you. I’m hosting the only live cohort of the Framework Builder Lab for 2024, starting October 30th.

In this six-week program, we’ll meet live every Wednesday, where I’ll guide you through the process of building your framework step-by-step. You’ll have direct access to me, live Q&A sessions, and the support of other brilliant coaches.

Don’t miss out on this chance to set your coaching business up for scalable success. Head over to now to secure your spot. Enrollment closes on October 29th, so act fast!

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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