How To Become A More Confident Coach

How To Become A More Confident Coach (Coaching Audit with JessaJoy Coaching)

How To Become A More Confident Coach

The coaching industry, much like various other professions, is an ever-evolving space where professionals often transition from one area of expertise to another. Making the leap, however, brings its own set of challenges. Among the most common hurdles faced is the need to build confidence in the new identity and find effective ways to market oneself in the digital world.

Jessa, a talented massage therapist, joined me to discuss her exciting transition into the world of online coaching. While Jessa had established herself locally, she was seeking guidance on confidently embracing her new identity and effectively marketing herself to a wider audience. We explored the common challenges faced by professionals making career shifts, particularly in the ever-evolving coaching industry. This episode is full of valuable insights and actionable advice for coaches navigating career transitions or looking to elevate their coaching business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective ways to translate in-person networking success into the online coaching world.
  • The importance of confidence when transitioning to a new coaching identity.
  • Strategies for greater visibility and connection with potential clients in digital spaces.


Embracing the New Coaching Identity: A Transition Fueled by Confidence

We talked a lot about the confidence struggles many coaches face when making a career shift, and Jessa’s story was no exception. Transitioning from hands-on massage therapy to online coaching can be a bit scary, and Jessa was worried about how to present herself in this new role without confusing her existing clients. I shared some tips on confidently stepping into a new identity while staying true to your long-term vision.


Marketing in a Digital Age

We also chatted about the challenge of shifting marketing strategies from local, face-to-face networking to the online world. Jessa had always relied on local groups to find clients and was a bit lost on how to do the same online. I reassured her that networking is still possible online! I encouraged her to step outside her comfort zone and “go where you are not known” to build a new audience. It’s all about being proactive and finding those virtual communities where you can connect with potential clients.

We talked about how she could translate her in-person networking skills to the digital world. Joining virtual groups and Facebook communities can be a great way to meet new people and introduce them to your online coaching services, just like she did in person.


Strategies for Building Online Visibility

We also dove into some practical tips for boosting your visibility as an online coach. It’s all about striking a balance between visibility and value. You want to get yourself out there, but you also need to give potential clients a taste of what you offer. Think virtual workshops or challenges – a chance for people to really experience your coaching style and expertise in a more intimate setting.

For example, I shared how I host a workshop every Tuesday on building frameworks for coaching. It’s a great way to show off your knowledge and build trust with potential clients. By giving them actionable insights, you’re not just marketing yourself; you’re building real connections and demonstrating your value.

Jessa’s journey is a testament to the exciting possibilities that await coaches who are willing to combine their real-world experience with the power of the internet. By embracing these strategies, you can not only make the transition to online coaching but absolutely thrive in it.


Ready to get some personalized coaching?

If you have a specific challenge you’re facing in your business, I’d love to help! Each month, I open up one spot for a live coaching session on my podcast. It’s a great way to get laser-focused advice and make some breakthroughs. Think this could be you? Head over to and fill out the application. This opportunity fills up fast, so don’t wait!

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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