How To Fight Squirrel Brain In Your Business

How To Fight Squirrel Brain In Your Business

How To Fight Squirrel Brain In Your Business Remember the dog from Disney’s movie “Up”? The one who gets easily distracted by squirrels? In this week’s episode of the BDC show, we’re diving into “squirrel brain”—that pesky tendency to lose focus when you’re running your coaching business. Join us as we explore tactical strategies and […]

How To Host A Retreat In Your Coaching Business

How To Host A Retreat In Your Coaching Business

How To Host A Retreat In Your Coaching Business Ever wondered how to create a retreat that’s not only enjoyable, but also drives real results for your clients AND your business? In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on my retreat planning process, sharing the strategies I’ve used to host 12 successful retreats. Plus, […]

How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business

How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business (Coaching Audit Renee Tumolo Coaching)

How Do I Get Clients In My Coaching Business [Coaching Audit: Renee Tumolo Coaching] Are you a talented coach who feels like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to finding the clients you want to work with? I get it – I was in the same place! In this episode of live coaching audit, […]

How To Pitch Your Services To Fill Your Coaching Program

How To Pitch Your Services To Fill Your Coaching Program [A Case Study With Inbal Claudio)

How To Pitch Your Services To Fill Your Coaching Program [A Case Study With Inbal Claudio] In the online space, building a community is important for coaches looking to attract and retain clients. However many coaches struggle with how to create profitable communities that provide value. In this episode, we will hear insights from Inbal […]

How To Never Lose A Customer Again With Joey Coleman

How To Never Lose A Customer Again With Joey Coleman

How To Never Lose A Customer Again With Joey Coleman Hang out with me and Joey Coleman for an insightful chat on nailing client connections that create lasting impressions and foster customer loyalty . Skip the fancy stuff – talk about handwritten notes and sweet surprises. Why Is the Client Journey So Important? Personal Connection: […]

How To Stop Your Coaching Sessions From Going Over

How To Stop Your Coaching Sessions From Going Over

How To Stop Your Coaching Sessions From Going Over Coaching sessions are an essential part of helping clients achieve their goals and make positive changes in their lives. However, many coaches struggle with going over time in their sessions, leaving both themselves and their clients feeling rushed and unsatisfied. In this episode, we will explore […]

How to Scale a Coaching Business (Coaching Audit: LightBulb ADHD Coaching)

How to Scale a Coaching Business (Coaching Audit Lightbulb ADHD Coaching)

How to Scale a Coaching Business Let’s get real for a minute.  Are you feeling the squeeze of too many clients and not enough time or money? I got to chat with Katherine, an ADHD coach from Edinburgh, Scotland. Katherine is struggling with managing her coaching business with limited time and wants to learn how […]

Why Your Business Should Be Boring

Why Your Business Should Be Boring

Why Your Business Should Be Boring In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, the idea of a “boring” business may not sound appealing. However, I wanted to argue that embracing the simplicity and repetition of a “boring” business can lead to increased profitability. Today, I will share my insights on why your business should be […]

Case Study: How a Signature Framework Landed This Coach Thousands in Revenue

Client Case Study: How a Signature Framework Landed This Coach Thousands in Revenue

Case Study: How a Signature Framework Landed This Coach Thousands in Revenue In the world of coaching, standing out and attracting clients can often feel like an impossible task. Many coaches struggle with imposter syndrome and doubt their ability to consistently deliver results and make money. However, there is one powerful way to carve out […]


5 Steps To Being a Better Coach

So you can make more money.

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