It’s our 200th Episode (+ a Giveaway) and welcome to The Best Damn Coach

It’s our 200th Episode (+ a Giveaway) and welcome to The Best Damn Coach


It’s our 200th Episode…Say What?!?!? 



Today we are celebrating consistency, creating value, and most importantly, a new name, look, and feel for the show. FINALLY, I can say out loud… ”Welcome to The Best Damn Coach Podcast” and that feels so amazing. 

Inside this episode, I am sharing details about the show’s transition, introducing our new program Best Damn Coach, and letting you in on the 200th episode giveaway.

You can check out Best Damn Coach at:


Inside the episode, I talk about:

  • Why I decided to create the Best Damn Coach Community
  • The gap I see in the coaching industry
  • Why The B.D.C. is different than other programs
  • The B.D.C. Mission

Becoming the Best Damn Coach for your people means helping your clients move toward something better or different that they desire in their life.

It doesn’t matter if you are a health coach, coaching therapist or hairdresser, stylist, or teen coach…the B.D.C. is a place for every coach.


amanda walker life business coach

What’s inside the BDC:

  • Weekly LIVE coaching calls focused on the 4 S’s of coaching: sales, self, strategy, and service.
  • We will also host a monthly Coaching Clinic on a “hot” topic in the coaching industry.
  • Our monthly practice playground calls will be a place to “practice” your craft as a coach.
  • In addition, we have curated 3 Done-For-You vaults of materials that you can download and then plug in play in your business so you can save hours of time starting from scratch.




To celebrate the rebrand, we are doing a special giveaway and giving away 3 prizes:

  1. 1:1 Coaching Session with Amanda
  2. Grounding Day Course
  3. $200 Amazon Gift card

To enter the giveaway:

  • Leave a Review on iTunes
  • Share the 200th episode on your social media
  • Send over a screenshot of both to:

All winners will be notified on September 6th!

Click here to listen to the full episode.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I am so honored you chose to listen every week!



Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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