Part 3: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way in 2023 {Emotional Management}

amanda walker business life coach emotional management

Welcome to part 3 of our 4-part series called  How To Get Out Of Your Own Way in 2023.

Why do we set goals to expand ourselves and excite ourselves into action?

Then we kinda freak because our mind says “DANG! I don’t actually know how to do that.” When that happens a variety of emotions begin to set in that require consistent management in order to create results.  In this episode, I share 2 key tools to help you manage your emotions this year.

This series leads you right up to our FREE 3-Day Live Virtual Training called: Get Out Of Your Own Way

Learn how to retrain your brain for success…and help your clients do the same.

January 17-19th LIVE at 10 am MT/12 ET

You can sign up

On day 2 we talked about the real purpose of goals, so let’s review:

Why do we set goals?

To expand ourselves and to stretch ourselves so we get game gut and it excites us to take action.

Then we kinda freak because we are like “Shit, I don’t actually know how to do that!”

You aren’t supposed to not know how to do it.  That’s the entire point of what we discussed yesterday.  The journey to become with trial and error is a journey of becoming.  It makes you freakin’ feel ALIVE!!!!!!  It’s that butterfly feeling.

Sometimes though you go into complete avoidance of that feeling and other emotions take over.

Here’s an example:

A circumstance creates a thought and imagery that drives a feeling and feelings create action/inaction and that creates a result.  

You can not find an example where this is NOT the case.

So if emotions drive you into action and inaction, then the key to emotions is what you think and see in you, here is your reminder that you MUST manage it from time to time.

This is NOT a “think different thoughts get different outcomes” conversation. amanda walker business life coach emotional management

While it is that simple…it isn’t easy.  

It literally requires you to retrain your brain to experience thoughts and emotions that drive the actions you want every day.

I will be teaching this in my upcoming 3-day training BTW.  If you haven’t you should go there now and sign up.  You can sign up here for that training.

Here is a quote that I think exemplifies what I mean:

“Live in the feelings of your deepest desires”-Wayne Dyer

You must constantly call in, channel, and connect to, the feeling that drives the action you want.

The problem though is two things:

  1. Competing Priorities
  2. Old patterns…an affinity of connecting to the unwanted feelings because they are your “norm”.

I will be going into more specific detail on how to overcome these conflicting priorities in my training in a few weeks, so be sure to join me!

And for more details on how you can help manage these conflicting emotions when it comes to action and inaction, tune into today’s episode!

Click here to listen to the full episode.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I am so honored you choose to listen every week!

Additionally, I’d love for you to rate and review the podcast if you have a few minutes.  You can click here to get to Apple Podcasts to leave your review and I will be oh-so grateful. Plus we are adding amazing episodes to the show and when you subscribe you won’t miss a beat.

Interested in working with Amanda or learning more about her programs?  Click here to book a time to chat.

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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