How To Collect Raving Testimonials To Make More Money

amanda walker business life coach

Collecting consistent testimonials is a surefire way to grow your business and build trust with your audience. 

Yet, so many coaches I coach and chat with are forgetting this highly impactful strategy in their business.

In this week’s episode, the goal is to remind you of the importance of this practice in your business and give you a step-by-step method for collection. Sharing client testimonials from my perspective is the #1 way to grow your business no matter how many clients you have served.

If you are a coach, teacher, or mentor who wants to stand out more and get noticed in your niche, be sure to watch my training: How To Stand Out As A Coach

amanda walker business life coachSometimes we forget the true power of testimonials. 

Why do testimonials matter?  

Clients understand how online business works, the market is full of amazing coaches and some of our clients have even been burned when they’ve hired other coaches or joined their programs. 

Testimonials build credibility…

…for your work AND they deepen the trust between you and your prospective clients.  If you talk to any business and asked them, “where do your clients come from?” they will still say word-of-mouth referrals.  When you buy on Amazon–what do you do before you buy? Most of us use reviews to guide our purchasing decisions.

This works the same for you.

There are two types of testimonials:

Formal: The client answers questions or participates in an interview to give specific feedback.

Formal testimonials are fantastic for repurposing on websites or social media, etc.

and Informal…The client gives impromptu feedback that you capture.

Let’s talk about formal.

First off–it’s okay to ask your client for a testimonial and it doesn’t have to be at the end of the service.  You want to know how your client is experiencing coaching now and the wins they have right now.

If you have coached someone for FREE, even if it’s your friend, ask them for a testimonial as evidence of the service you provided.

How to request them:

  • Via Email (we provide scripts inside the BDC for this)
  • Ask for interviews either you or your team can conduct
  • Via the phone and record and transcribe

4 Key Points of A Formal Testimonial:

  1. Their starting point: where were they when they reached out for support?
  2. Stumbling Blocks you helped them overcome along the journey.
  3. Their greatest lessons/takeaways.
  4. Objections they overcame to say yes to support from you.

How To Store Them

-Google Drive Account-have a system and you can prettify it later-I just don’t want you to miss these and have them all over and forget where they are at.

-Copy and paste them into an Excel Spreadsheet

-Save screenshots into folders

-Down the road, you can save and organize them into your PM tool


If you have questions feel free to send me a DM.

If you have struggled with this before, be sure to check out this week’s episode and let me know what you think!

Click here to listen to the full episode.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I am so honored you choose to listen every week!

Additionally, I’d love for you to rate and review the podcast if you have a few minutes.  You can click here to get to Apple Podcasts to leave your review and I will be oh-so grateful. Plus we are adding amazing episodes to the show and when you subscribe you won’t miss a beat.

Interested in working with Amanda or learning more about her programs?  Click here to book a time to chat.

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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