How Do I Grow My Instagram Account as a Coach With Maria and Kristina of the Social Snippet

How Do I Grow My Instagram Account as a Coach

How Do I Grow My Instagram Account as a Coach

Attention all coaches! Ready to transform your Instagram from a casual scrolling space into a client-attracting machine? I recently sat down with Maria and Kristina from the Social Snippet, and they revealed the proven strategies that are revolutionizing how coaches use Instagram to build thriving businesses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Community Over Followers: Cultivate a presence on Instagram that focuses on community building rather than merely increasing follower counts.
  • Experiment and Engage: Adopt a mindset of experimentation on social media and engage in active conversations with the audience to understand their needs better.
  • Authenticity Attracts: Embrace personal stories, eccentricities, and authenticity, as these traits resonate with potential clients and build a relatable brand.


The Power of Presence and Consistency

An essential facet of leveraging Instagram is understanding that community-building surpasses simply amassing followers. Kristina emphasized the importance of transforming followers into a community through consistent engagement and offering value beyond the grid. Sharing behind-the-scenes content, nurturing relationships, and continuously interacting with followers through DMs are all critical components of fostering a vibrant community.

“When you have a business partner…you need to be okay with somebody saying no to you…that respect is so important that…we keep that at the forefront of, like, we’re each other’s number one fans, and so I think that helps bring…us up.” -Kristina

This quote serves a dual purpose. It highlights the essence of partnership in business akin to the dynamic duo’s relationship, and it resonates with building a community where mutual respect and admiration are paramount. Coaches should aim to build an Instagram community where everyone feels like a respected and valuable member, contributing to the overall success.

The Role of Authentic Engagement

Maria underscored the notion that your Instagram page should be a welcoming place—a “home base” where one creates an inviting atmosphere that encourages interaction. Building relationships often involves stepping out, attending networking events, or participating in collaborations, then guiding those new connections back to one’s digital space.

“I think those continuing to have those conversations with your audience Kristina mentioned. We would literally put up slides being like, do you want a retreat in July? Yes or no? And everyone would vote no. Or one time, like, no one voted in the poll. We were, like, guessing we’re not doing a retreat, just like Christmas face.” -Maria

By recounting these moments, Maria not only illustrates the importance of engaging with your audience but also of maintaining a lighthearted approach to experimentation.

Overcoming the Fear of Imperfection

Another significant theme from the discussion is overcoming the paralysis that comes with the pursuit of perfection on Instagram. Maria and Kristina advocate for embracing ‘messy action’ – the concept of starting somewhere, anywhere, rather than stalling because of high, oftentimes unrealizable standards.

“Things don’t have to be perfect…Being consistent doesn’t mean posting every day. Being consistent means posting consistently and creating a schedule and a system where, like you said, your audience can rely on you for good information for high quality stuff.” -Maria

Analyzing this further, coaches are encouraged to find a rhythm that allows them to be present and reliable without succumbing to the pressure of constant perfection. The trial and error aspect of social media means that what works today might not work tomorrow, and staying flexible is vital.

The Analytics is Not Everything

Diving deeper into the philosophy of trial and error, Kristina highlights that overemphasis on metrics can lead to misdirected efforts. By pondering over analytics alone, one could miss out on cultivating tangible connections that might not necessarily reflect on the dashboard but bring in potential clients and engagements.

“Because they don’t look the same for everybody.” -Kristina

By stating this, Kristina underscores the need for coaches to create a personalized growth strategy on Instagram, which aligns more closely with their unique coaching style and target audience.


Showcasing Your Unique Journey

An essential component to success on Instagram is the courage to be vulnerable and authentic. Coaches are often guiding their past selves, and sharing this journey can be the very element that resonates with potential clients.

“People are going to want to hear from you, like, why you’re doing what you’re doing…People buy from people.” -Kristina

When coaches articulate their ‘why’ and incorporate personal narratives into their content, they stand out in a crowded market. It creates a sense of transparency and trust that attracts clients looking for that human touch.

Finding the Right Clients Through Authenticity

Building upon the importance of genuine interactions, Kristina drives home the point that authenticity prevents future headaches by attracting the right clients from the outset.

“However, you are in your most authentic state, it is your responsibility to your clients to show up that way so they know what kind of coaching they’re buying.” -Kristina

Acknowledging this, coaches can ensure they are entering into coaching relationships that are fulfilling and mutually beneficial, which is the cornerstone of a meaningful coaching practice.

In exploring the depth and breadth of conversations about leveraging Instagram for business growth, coaches stand to benefit from the wisdom shared by Maria and Kristina. By focusing on community, embracing experimentation, and valuing authenticity, coaches have the opportunity to weave a tapestry of success that not only resonates with their values but also aligns with the needs of their clients. Engaging with these strategies can significantly enhance their impact and profitability in the competitive landscape of coaching businesses.

Special Invitation:

Join me for Project Attraction, my upcoming retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona, from September 23rd to 26th. It’s almost full, so don’t miss out! Head over to to snag one of the last spots.

If you’re considering hosting your retreat or have questions about Project Attraction, send me a DM or visit my website. Let’s create a transformative experience together!



Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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