How Do I Start a Podcast for My Coaching Practice With Adam Schaeuble

How Do I Start a Podcast for My Coaching Practice With Adam Schaeuble

How Do I Start a Podcast for My Coaching Practice With Adam Schaeuble

Podcasting has become a game changer for many businesses, and Adam Schaeuble, discusses how to start a podcast that can transform your coaching practice. We explore the importance of organic discoverability, optimizing podcast titles and descriptions, and using keywords effectively. By implementing these strategies, coaches can increase their visibility and attract their ideal clients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize keywords in podcast titles, descriptions, and episode names to improve organic discoverability
  • Optimize podcast artwork by incorporating keywords and using contrasting colors to draw attention
  • Craft a compelling host description that includes relevant keywords and addresses the questions your ideal clients may have

Organic Discoverability

One of the most effective ways to improve the discoverability of your podcast is by incorporating keywords into your podcast’s title, description, and episode names. Adam suggests adding a title extension to your podcast’s name that includes two to three keywords that your ideal clients may use to describe themselves or search for on platforms like Apple or Spotify. For example, if your podcast is about coaching for online business owners, you could add a title extension like “Conversations about Online Business” or “Tips for Small Business Owners.” By doing this, you increase the chances of your podcast appearing in search results when potential clients are looking for content related to their interests or needs.

Optimizing Podcast Artwork for Maximum Impact

Podcast artwork plays a crucial role in attracting potential listeners and conveying the essence of your show. Adam advises incorporating keywords into your artwork to make it more appealing to your target audience. He suggests adding a shadow box at the bottom of the artwork and including keywords like “tips for x, y, and z” or “advice for entrepreneurs.” Additionally, using contrasting colors that are not present elsewhere in the artwork can help draw attention to the keywords and make them stand out. By optimizing your podcast artwork, you increase the likelihood of catching the eye of potential listeners who are searching for content related to their interests.

Crafting a Compelling Host Description

The description of your podcast is an often overlooked opportunity to optimize your podcast for search engines and attract your ideal clients. Adam recommends writing a two-paragraph host description that includes as many relevant keywords as possible in the first paragraph. This will help improve the searchability of your podcast and increase the chances of it appearing in search results. In the second paragraph, he suggests listing the top ten questions your ideal clients may have and framing them as keywords in question format. This strategy not only improves searchability but also positions your podcast as a valuable resource for potential listeners who are seeking answers to their specific questions.

Final Thoughts

By implementing these strategies, coaches can transform their coaching practice through podcasting. Incorporating keywords into podcast titles, descriptions, and episode names improves organic discoverability and increases the chances of attracting the right audience. Optimizing podcast artwork with keywords and contrasting colors helps draw attention and make a lasting impression. Crafting a compelling host description that includes relevant keywords and addresses potential listeners’ questions positions your podcast as a valuable resource and increases its visibility. By leveraging the power of podcasting, coaches can stand out in a crowded industry and attract their ideal clients with ease.

So, if you’re a coach looking to take your practice to the next level, consider starting a podcast and implementing these strategies. By doing so, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche, attract your ideal clients, and make a lasting impact in the coaching industry.


Connect with Adam:

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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