How I Sold Out The Framework Builder Lab with a PDF (sales page example included)

How I Sold Out The Framework Builder Lab with a PDF (sales page example included)

How I Sold Out The Framework Builder Lab with a PDF (sales page example included)

It’s February and I am so excited to kick start the month with you. I hope January got you some momentum. I hope that you’ve got a vision and we are continuing some really juicy conversations around here. And today I’m going to be sharing how I sold out a program called the Framework Builder Lab. I used a simple PDF instead of a traditional website sales page.

By sharing my experience, we can learn valuable lessons about the importance of providing value, building trust, and taking messy action to achieve success in our coaching businesses.


Providing Value and Building Trust

I recognized the need for coaches to have a signature coaching framework. And I decided to create the Framework Builder Lab to address this need. Instead of investing time and money into building a website, I opted for a simple PDF as a sales page. This allowed me to focus on providing value and building trust with my audience.

By offering a free workshop, I was able to warm up my audience and demonstrate the value of having a signature framework. This workshop served as a platform to educate coaches about the common mistakes they make when pricing their services. By providing valuable insights and actionable advice, I was able to build trust and establish myself as an authority in the coaching industry.


Taking Messy Action and Refining the Offer

My approach to selling out the Framework Builder Lab was centered around taking messy action and refining the offer based on feedback. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, I launched the program with a beta price point of $79 and a simple PDF sales page.

Through consistent promotion on social media, inviting people to the free workshop, and personalized outreach, I was able to generate interest and sign-ups for the program. The workshop served as a way to educate potential clients about the value of the Framework Builder Lab and provide them with a taste of what they could expect.

By actively seeking feedback from participants through testimonial forms and feedback surveys, I was able to identify areas for improvement. This feedback allowed me to refine the program and make necessary adjustments, such as improving the workbook for future cohorts.


The Power of a Signature Framework

The success of the Framework Builder Lab highlighted the power of having a signature coaching framework. Coaches who participated in the program experienced increased confidence, a sense of authenticity, and the ability to curate better results for their clients. By having a repeatable process and a unique methodology, coaches were able to differentiate themselves in a crowded market and provide a more impactful coaching experience.

The Framework Builder Lab also served as a trust-building tool, with a significant percentage of participants joining my higher-tier program, the Best Damn Coach. This showed the value of building trust and providing value through lower-priced offerings, as it can lead to long-term client relationships and increased revenue.



As coaches, we can learn from my approach and apply it to our businesses. By focusing on providing value, building trust, and taking messy action, we can create successful programs and build long-lasting relationships with our clients. So, let’s embrace imperfection, take action, and make a difference in the lives of our clients.



Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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