What To Do When You’ve Lost Your Spunk

What To Do When You’ve Lost Your Spunk

What To Do When You’ve Lost Your Spunk

In this episode, I am sharing what to do if you feel like you’ve lost your spunk.  While it might seem that everyone else is riding high and has their gas pedal down while you are still trying to turn the key in the ignition…it simply isn’t true. I’ve been there 100%. I am sharing 3 things you can do to get out of a funk and regain momentum and inspiration this year. Spoiler alert: you aren’t behind.  Listen to the full episode to start taking massive, inspired action now.

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While it might seem that everyone else is riding high on the new year, you might feel like you’ve lost your spunk.

You feel like everybody has their gas pedal down and you are still trying to turn the key in the ignition.

I’ve been there!!! This was me last year and so I feel compelled to nip it in the butt for you.

Not only last year but in other years, I felt there was so much emphasis on this time of year and I lacked clarity in the moment, or just felt blah and then went into this shame spiral…


Bloom All Year, Not Just in January

One of the first things to remember is that you can bloom all year round. You don’t have to feel the pressure to be at your peak in January or any specific month. Just like a flower, you go through seasons of growth and rest. It’s okay to take a step back and acquire the nutrients you need before blooming again. The year is not a month, and you have twelve months to set and achieve your goals. Don’t compare yourself to others who may seem to be riding the high of the new year. Your journey is unique, and you can peak at any point in the year.


I’m going to give you some really effective and short tangible things to think about in order to get that spunk back.

  • Ask for Support

When you’re feeling like you’ve lost your spunk, it’s important to ask for support. Reach out to the people around you, whether it’s your spouse, friends, or community. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek guidance from a mentor. Sometimes, all we need is a step-by-step plan to help us move forward. If you don’t have a support system, consider joining a community of like-minded individuals who can provide the guidance and encouragement you need.


  • Take a Step Away and Pour Into Yourself

If you’re feeling stuck and lacking motivation, it may be a sign that you need to take a step away and pour into yourself. This doesn’t mean indulging in self-care activities like taking a bath or getting a pedicure (although those can be helpful too). It means evaluating your work-life balance and giving yourself space to recharge. Are you working on your business seven days a week? Are you constantly thinking about it? Take a break, go outdoors, spend time with loved ones, or plan a vacation. Rest and rejuvenation are essential for regaining your spunk.


  • Move Your Body Consistently

One underrated way to regain your spunk is by moving your body consistently. Physical activity releases endorphins and boosts your energy levels. Instead of reaching for caffeine when you hit an afternoon lull, go for a walk or engage in any form of exercise that you enjoy. The compound impact of movement on your overall well-being is significant. Make it a priority to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine.


Reviving Your Spunk

Losing your spunkiness is not a permanent state. It’s a natural part of the ebb and flow of life and business. By implementing the strategies discussed in this episode, you can regain your motivation and energy. Remember that you have the power to bloom all year round, ask for support, take time for yourself, move your body consistently, and get curious about the underlying causes of your loss of spunkiness. Set standards for yourself and operate on them, even when your feelings are not aligned. With these tools in your arsenal, you can overcome any funk and continue on your path to success.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Best Damn Coach Podcast. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend or colleague who may be experiencing a loss of spunkiness. And don’t forget to leave a review and let me know your thoughts. Together, we can support each other and thrive as coaches. Until next time, keep coaching them up and stay spunky!

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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