How Much Free Content Should You Give away as a Coach

How Much Free Content Should You Give away as a Coach

How Much Free Content Should You Give away as a Coach

In today’s episode, we’ll answer the age-old question for coaches: How much free content is too much? 

Taking cues from Usher’s Super Bowl halftime show, we explore the business strategy behind offering free value to attract clients. Let’s navigate the gradual progression from high-level free content to paid content. Listen in!


  • Striking the balance between FREE vs paid content

You’ve got this treasure trove of knowledge and a burning desire to help others, yet that protective instinct kicks in. You ask, “How much of this valuable content should I give away for free?” It’s like finding the sweet spot between generosity and safeguarding your life’s work. 


The magic formula contains just enough intrigue to captivate your audience without feeling like you’ve given away the whole playbook. Because, in the end, it’s about finding that sweet spot that resonates with your audience and leaves them hungry for more.


  • How Usher, Alex Hormozi, and Amy Porterfield use high-value free content


Did you catch Usher in the halftime show at the Super Bowl? The kicker: he didn’t get a dime for that jaw-dropping performance. Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the catch?” Well, it’s a genius move. Usher knew that by giving away this 15-minute concert for free, he’d create a massive buzz. Fast forward to Monday morning, and downloads of his music skyrocketed like crazy. It’s a stellar example of using free value to reel in the crowd and set the stage for something bigger.


Let’s switch lanes to Alex Hormozi. Recently, he broke the internet by offering a seven-day free content, no strings attached. People were puzzled, but here’s the genius behind it – he knows his ideal clients. His strategy? Most of those grabbing the freebies won’t be the three-million-and-up companies he works with. It’s about playing the numbers game and hitting the bullseye with the right audience. Building his authority with a massive following is what attracts high-ticket clients into his funnel, the ones who want his service whatever the cost. 


Now, Amy Porterfield dropped a truth bomb on her podcast, telling her audience they could listen to every episode she releases, build a business, and never need more than that from her. That’s free content on steroids! Not everyone listening will become a paying client. It’s about serving the world, putting out value, and getting that energy in return.


These three examples show that free valuable content cannot be undermined. Coaches just need to be strategic with how they are using it to target their ideal clients. People consuming your free content aren’t always your ideal clients, but it will create the buzz for you so your ideal clients will come.


It’s all about context. Usher, Alex, Amy – they’re all playing different games, and that’s the key. It’s about understanding your audience, knowing when to splash the freebies, and when to drop the paid content bomb.


  • Why is giving away valuable content important?

The secret sauce to warming up your audience and bringing them closer to your brand is no secret. It’s the value they get from the free high-level content you put out. People want to first perceive value from your content. They want to feel that you are the expert they can trust. That is what warms them up and lowers the barriers to your paid offers. When trust is built, buying from you becomes a no-brainer.


  • Proximity and accountability in paid services.

Your ideal clients ultimately seek proximity and accountability, elements that go beyond the realm of passive consumption of free content. The transition from free to paid services is portrayed as a logical evolution, where clients invest in a coach’s personalized guidance, consistent value, and a deeper coaching relationship, reinforcing the idea that being more generous with free value can lead to meaningful, long-term engagements.


  • The understated value of your free content

Your free content isn’t just consumed; it’s a puzzle waiting to be solved by your audience. Many will put in the effort to piece it together, learning the ropes of what you teach. Yet, amidst the crowd, there are those gems – your ideal clients. For them, time is the most precious resource, and convenience is a necessity. They’re not just seeking knowledge; they’re yearning for a solution. These are the individuals who value your expertise so much that they’re willing to pay, not wanting to spend another minute trapped in the same situation. In essence, your free content isn’t just valuable; it’s the bridge that connects you to those who truly need your help.



As your free value resonates, it acts as a magnet, pulling in those ideal clients who value your expertise and are willing to invest in your guidance. Ultimately, the dynamics between free and paid content shape meaningful and long-term coaching relationships.

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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