How To Convert Leads Into Customers (Coaching Audit: Money & Marriage)

How To Convert Leads Into Customers (Coaching Audit Money & Marriage)

How To Convert Leads Into Customers (Coaching Audit: Money & Marriage)

We’re introducing a new podcast format – live coaching audits! I invited Karen, a finance coach, to discuss her struggles in finding paying clients for her business. 

Stay tuned as I share valuable insights and guidance to help Karen overcome her challenges, convert leads into customers, and increase her profits.

Key Takeaways

  • Building an ascension model: Karen’s business can benefit from creating a clear flow of offers that guide potential clients from one service to the next, starting with a budget makeover and leading to a money mindset course for couples.
  • Hosting webinars for increased visibility: Webinars allow Karen to showcase her expertise, engage with potential clients, and pitch her services more compellingly.
  • Refining messaging and offers: Karen can enhance her messaging by addressing the pain points of her target audience and highlighting the specific benefits of her services. Additionally, she can make her offers more compelling by creating a sense of urgency and showcasing testimonials.


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Convert Leads with Webinars

Webinars offer an effective way for Karen to attract clients and establish herself as an authority in the personal finance coaching space. By hosting live workshops, Karen can provide valuable insights and guidance to her audience while showcasing her expertise. Webinars allow her to engage with potential clients more personally and interactively, increasing the likelihood of converting them into paying clients.

During the webinar, Karen can present her budget makeover service as a solution to the financial challenges faced by couples. By offering actionable steps and practical advice, she can demonstrate the value of her services and build trust with her audience. Additionally, Karen can use the webinar as an opportunity to pitch her money mindset course, highlighting the long-term benefits of getting on the same financial page as a couple.


Refining Messaging and Offers

To attract clients effectively, Karen needs to refine her messaging and make her offers more compelling. By addressing the pain points of her target audience, she can create a stronger connection and resonate with potential clients on a deeper level. For example, instead of focusing on generic financial challenges, Karen can emphasize the specific struggles couples face when it comes to money management and communication.

Furthermore, Karen can enhance her offers by creating a sense of urgency and showcasing testimonials. By highlighting the immediate benefits and time-sensitive nature of her services, she can motivate potential clients to take action. Testimonials from satisfied clients can provide social proof and instill confidence in potential clients, increasing the likelihood of them investing in Karen’s services.


Converting leads into customers is an essential skill for any business. By implementing the strategies discussed in this live coaching audit, such as building an ascension model, hosting webinars, refining messaging, and enhancing offers, businesses can improve their lead conversion rates and achieve greater success.


Join me on April 9 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time for my signature workshop;

How to Build Your Signature Coaching Framework.

Here’s what I’m going to be sharing with you:

  • Coaches’ three worst mistakes when creating their signature framework stop them from standing out.
  • I will teach you how to create your framework even if you’re just starting out as a new coach or haven’t coached many clients yet.
  • Lastly, discover how to instantly gain the confidence to stand out as a coach in your unique niche.

Sign up at:

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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