How To Stop Attracting Clients That Don’t Do The Work

How To Stop Attracting Clients That Don’t Do The Work

How To Stop Attracting Clients That Don’t Do The Work

I’m thrilled to welcome you back to the Best Damn Coach Podcast. Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that might be flying under your radar in your coaching business: how to stop attracting clients who don’t do the work.

There’s nothing worse than signing up a client, getting all excited because you made a sale and have the opportunity to change someone’s life, and then they don’t follow through.  We’ve all likely been there as a coach, and you might be totally overlooking why this keeps happening in your client roster.  In the episode, I identify where this pattern actually starts and what you can do to correct it.  And don’t worry…it’s not too late!

Recognizing the Issue Of Clients Who Don’t Do The Work (02:02)

Recently, one of my coaches had an exciting sales call with what seemed like the perfect client. However, she soon noticed some unsettling patterns. The client was missing sessions, showing up late, and neglecting assigned tasks. My coach turned to me, seeking answers on why this was happening and what to do about it. This issue requires a two-part conversation. Today, I’ll focus on why we might be attracting clients who don’t do the work and what we can do about it.

The Problem of Over-Enabling (04:26)

One significant reason for attracting clients who don’t do the work, especially in the early stages of business growth, is over-enabling. Think of it as treating clients like babies, doing everything for them. It’s akin to parenting a teenager who’s never learned to handle responsibilities independently. I share how I fell into this trap in my own business and the negative outcomes it had on my clients.

The Pitfalls of Desperation (06:43)

Desperation can lead coaches to compromise their values, chase clients, and make exceptions just to secure a sale. I share my personal experiences in the episode as a “chaser,” pursuing clients relentlessly, even bending my own rules to win them over. Yet, I discovered that these clients were often the ones who failed to follow through, leading to disappointing results.

Shifting Mindsets and Qualifying Leads (08:53)

To attract clients committed to their coaching journey, I recommend shifting your mindset and treating your coaching offer as sacred. Only the right people should access it.

Here are some practical tips:

  • Qualify leads: Ensure potential clients take action, such as scheduling sales calls or filling out applications, to filter out those who lack genuine interest.
  • Application process: Implement an application process to identify high-quality leads who align with your coaching values and goals.

Being Your Authentic Self (11:12.)

To attract the right clients, be your authentic self in your content and communication. Don’t shy away from expressing your deep truths and passions, even if it means potentially losing some subscribers. The right clients will resonate with your authenticity and value your content.

I hope you found these insights valuable. If you have any questions or want to discuss this topic further, please reach out. These are all part of our ongoing coaching sessions inside Best Damn Coach.

You can learn more here.

Share this episode with fellow coaches who could benefit from these insights. Thanks for tuning in, and remember, keep coaching them up. I’ll be back with more valuable content in the next episode. See you then!


Also, come join the conversation about this episode with me over on Instagram!

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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