How To Use Linkedin To Grow Your Business With Miranda VonFricken

How To Use LinkedIn To Grow Your Business W

In this episode, we’re diving into the world of LinkedIn with our expert guest, Miranda Von Fricken.

Welcome to the Best Damn Coach Podcast!

I have to admit I’m feeling like a bit of a novice when it comes to social media, so I’m truly excited to learn more about LinkedIn and share my journey with you all.

Her Story

When I first met Miranda at a speaking event, I knew she would be the perfect guest for the show. Her energy and passion for LinkedIn were contagious, and I couldn’t wait to pick her brain on all things LinkedIn.

Miranda’s background spans 15 years in higher education and human resources, where LinkedIn played a crucial role in connecting students to job opportunities and helping tech companies find the right talent. She fell in love with the platform for both professional and personal use, and that made LinkedIn her go-to social media platform.

Is LinkedIn For Coaches

One of my initial doubts was whether coaches like me should even bother with LinkedIn. I was mainly focused on newer coaches who might not have a strong presence on this platform since they are more active on other social media sites. However, Miranda opened my eyes to the fact that many professionals, including aspiring coaches with side hustles, are active on LinkedIn. It can be an effective platform for coaches to connect with potential clients who are still in the corporate world but seeking guidance to transition into full-time entrepreneurship.

Interesting Stats

Miranda also shared some intriguing statistics about LinkedIn, such as how the average income of LinkedIn users tends to be higher than those on platforms like Instagram. The reason behind this, as she explained, is that LinkedIn’s focus on professional networking, thought leadership and meaningful conversations attracts a different audience. These users are looking to connect with experts and grow their professional networks.

Etiquette On The Platform

Another aspect we discussed was LinkedIn etiquette and the type of content that performs well on the platform. Miranda advised coaches to share content that aligns with their expertise and resonates with their target audience. Eye-catching visuals like photos and short videos can significantly enhance engagement. She emphasized the importance of staying authentic and avoiding overly aggressive sales pitches that may deter potential clients.

My Profile Audit

During the podcast, Miranda kindly offered to audit my LinkedIn profile live. It was incredibly insightful! She highlighted the significance of optimizing my profile to make a strong impression on potential clients. This includes adding relevant hashtags, using appealing visuals, and crafting concise yet impactful headlines. She also pointed out that my banner needed some improvement to evoke a powerful and professional feeling, perfectly aligned with my brand colors and overall image.

Here is a snapshot of my BEFORE:

LinkedIn Before Picture

You can head on over to my LinkedIn page now since I’ve made edits her suggestions.

Amanda’s LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Potential

To wrap it all up, I now realize that LinkedIn is a platform with enormous potential for coaches like me. It’s not just a place for job seekers; it’s a powerful tool to connect with potential clients, expand our professional networks, and position ourselves as thought leaders in our field. By understanding the unique dynamics of LinkedIn and sharing content that resonates with our audience, we can unlock exciting opportunities and take our coaching business to new heights.

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Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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