What To Do When You Feel Like a Fraud

What To Do When You Feel Like a Fraud

Today’s discussion is inspired by our recent framework builder lab, where we discovered a common issue that many entrepreneurs face: the feeling of being a fraud.

Welcome to this week’s episode of the BDC, where we dive deep into topics that are crucial for business owners in their early stages.  This feeling doesn’t simply disappear over time, as it’s often accompanied by the constant pursuit of breaking through new barriers and achieving greater success.

In this episode, we’re excited to share a four-step process to help you transition from feeling like a fraud to embracing your expertise. We’ll also address what to do when you find yourself grappling with these doubts about your abilities.

During my early years in business, I distinctly remember feeling like I wasn’t knowledgeable enough or perfect behind the scenes. I worried that others would discover my limitations and weaknesses. However, what I’ve learned is that this is all part of the learning process. It’s akin to parenthood, where you don’t always have all the answers and need to seek guidance from others. As entrepreneurs, we can immerse ourselves in communities of like-minded individuals who can support us in overcoming these challenges.

Recently, one of my clients shared her experience with feeling like a fraud. After a series of successful client calls that had her on cloud nine, she suddenly questioned her capabilities. Doubts flooded her mind, making her question if she could truly change lives and deliver the results she promised. This is a common occurrence in the entrepreneurial journey. We experience highs and lows, doubts and certainties. Contrast is a natural part of the human experience, and it can serve as a guiding light, showing us what we truly desire.

The Process

Here is a simple practice to move away from fraud and towards expert feelings.

Step 1: Journaling Your Thoughts

In this step, we aim to externalize and analyze the thoughts swirling in our minds. It’s impossible to keep track of the thousands of thoughts we have each day, and when we’re feeling heavy emotions, it’s often because we’re dwelling on heavy thoughts. We must put those thoughts on paper and observe them from a distance. Label each thought as a “T” for thought or “F” for fact. This exercise empowers us to recognize the stories we create that may not align with reality.

Step 2: Distinguishing Facts from Assumptions

After journaling, go back to each line item and discern whether it’s a factual statement or just an assumption you’ve made about yourself or your situation. Our minds can conjure crazy, outlandish stories that are not based on facts. This distinction is particularly essential in business and client relationships. We don’t want to give meaning to something that doesn’t exist, as it could adversely impact how we move forward with our clients. We must remain neutral and not be swayed by our clients’ emotions or beliefs.

Step 3: Focusing on Your Wins

Once we have self-awareness and distance from our thoughts, we can shift our focus to our wins. Train your brain to recognize and celebrate the successes in your coaching practice or business. By actively acknowledging your wins, you elevate your energy and feelings, leading to a more positive perspective and a confidence boost. This change in mindset will influence your actions and decision-making.

Step 4: Co-creating with Feelings of Fraud

Feeling like a fraud is a natural human experience, and it’s essential to acknowledge and co-create with these emotions. While we want to reduce imposter syndrome’s impact, it’s crucial to recognize that these feelings will occasionally arise. The key is not to let them dictate our actions. Instead, we can push them to the back seat and focus on our expertise and the value we bring to our clients. The greatest experts acknowledge these feelings but don’t let them steer the course.

You Are Human

Remember that you’re only human, and it’s okay to experience moments of doubt and feeling like a fraud. The key is to utilize the four-step process consistently to regain your confidence and embrace your expertise. Experts believe with certainty that they are right where they need to be, making a profound impact on their clients’ lives. So go ahead and apply this quick five-minute practice regularly, and watch your perspective shift as you take confident strides forward.

As always, I’m here for you, so don’t hesitate to contact me on Instagram if you have any questions or want to share your experiences with this process. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, do so on Apple, YouTube, Spotify, or any other platform you’re using to get weekly concise, impactful messages to elevate your coaching and business journey.

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Your time is precious, and I want to make each episode a valuable addition to your day. Thank you for being with me, and keep changing lives with your remarkable coaching skills!

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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