What a V.I.P. Day Looks like and The Power Of Micro Offers

amanda walker business life coach

In this episode, I share what a V.I.P. coaching day with me looks like.  V.I.P. days are one of the micro offers I offer.

Micro is a vague description but essentially means a small-ish offer that gives your ideal client a way to get to know your work. It is a powerful way to grow trust with your clients and serve the heck out of them so they continue to come back to you.  I will share the details of my V.I.P. day along with how to think about whether or not a micro offer might serve you in your business as well.

If you’d like to schedule a V.I.P. session, click here to book a time to chat more about your business and what you want to accomplish inside your V.I.P. day.

I participated in my own V.I.P. day with a copywriter.

I loved it! She got me. She knew my brand. And I enjoyed getting to know her as well.

It inspired me–how could I do this in my business as well?

Before I share details about my VIP day I want to talk about how this could potentially serve you in your business.

Micro offer means a “bite-sized offer”.  This could mean bite size in time or money or both.amanda walker business life coach

Why could these benefit you?

Your ideal client is nervous.

They don’t know you.

They may be unsure if they want to commit to a longer-term offer or they may be unsure of the investment.

This allows you to over-deliver to them and build trust so they continue to want to work with you.  Equally, you or they might find you aren’t a great fit.

This could be my $7 workshops or $300 consult call.

A way to think about this is, “how can I chunk down and solve a very specific problem for my audience?”

You can do this in a 1:1 offer or in a group setting as well.

It’s important to also think about the next step for them to take and be ready to have that conversation.  I see this being an area coaches often miss out on.  Existing clients are much warmer than cold clients.  When they are already in front of you—invite them to continue.

What is my V.I.P. Day like?

It’s sooo fun!  We do them virtually or in person.

We start in the morning and go to town. I pull magic out of you…we brainstorm…I take detailed notes all day. I will prep you and do all the leg work to design the most magical day together!

We take action and I literally coach you on the spot through beliefs stopping you or hindering you.

It is laser-focused coaching and action in ONE day.

What can we do on this day?

If you are brand new–we can design your entire business model in one day…from LLC creation to offers, to freebies. 

Struggling to create your offering suite–we can do that.

Need support building out a course?

Nailing your messaging and building content.

Literally, the time is yours and I will do all the prep work to assure you walk away with the outcomes you want.

If you want to book a VIP day here is what you need to do: visit my calendar to set it up!

Click here to listen to the full episode.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I am so honored you choose to listen every week!

Additionally, I’d love for you to rate and review the podcast if you have a few minutes.  You can click here to get to Apple Podcasts to leave your review and I will be oh-so grateful. Plus we are adding amazing episodes to the show and when you subscribe you won’t miss a beat.

Interested in working with Amanda or learning more about her programs?  Click here to book a time to chat.

Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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