How To Write Case Studies That Get You Seen with Brittany Herzberg

how to write case studies that get you seen

We discuss why case studies are more effective than your run-of-the-mill testimonial and how you can implement them into your business now, no matter how far along you are.

It’s no secret I am obsessed with sharing client results. As I always say, sprinkle client results into your content like confetti.  This week I am joined by a fellow testimonial junkie, Brittany Herzberg.  Brittany Herzberg is the copywriter service providers call when they want to show up as the answer to a Googled question.

I’d also love to help you put your 2024 goals in motion.  Join me on 12/19 as I host the Plan Your 2024 Workshop, a step-by-step workshop for coaches to have a clear path to profit before 2024 even starts.

Feeling a little overwhelmed and unsure of where to start when it comes to planning your strategy for 2024?

Then join me for this 2-hour LIVE intensive, where I will walk you through how to build a plan for 2024 that guarantees consistent clients and profit. You’ll walk away feeling energized, clear, and with complete peace of mind because you have a plan in place before 2024 even starts that is mapped around your life.

Sign up here:

Brittany’s Journey into Case Study Expertise

Brittany, originally a massage therapist, discovered her passion for case studies during the challenging year of 2020. Missing her clients, she decided to enhance her website with social proof. After reaching out to clients for feedback, she incorporated their positive experiences into her website. This led her to the world of copywriting and marketing. Drawing parallels with her massage practice, Brittany began offering case studies, SEO, and storytelling in her copywriting services.

Defining Social Proof and Its Importance

Social proof is in Brittany’s definition: anything people say about their experience working with you.

It goes beyond testimonials and includes transformations, wins, and even statistics. Social proof, especially in case studies, becomes a powerful selling tool, doing the marketing work for you.

Unlocking the Secrets of SEO

To double down on social proof you can also sprinkle in SEO or search engine optimization. SEO is about showing up as the answer to a Google question. Brittany advises paying attention to keywords derived from your clients’ language and using them strategically on various platforms, including websites, podcasts, and social media. When you listen to the episode, pay attention here as she gives very tangible ways to start implementing SEO strategies, even if you are just starting for example just being thoughtful and intentional about the keywords you want to be discovered for.

A reminder, SEO is like fine wine.  It gets better with time.  SEO is a long-term strategy to help you get more eyes on your work and it takes time to build.

The Importance of Personable Case Studies

Moving back to case studies, Brittany shares key components for impactful case studies. She highlights the importance of personable elements, including quotes and images. From an SEO perspective, she emphasizes crafting an impactful, keyword-rich headline within the 60-character range. Additionally, she introduces her PET framework, focusing on the problem (before), experience (during), and transformation (after).

Using this simple framework can help you create an entire story about your client in your case study.  This is such an effective way to bring more ideal clients into your work as a coach.

Case studies are paramount in building trust and credibility with your prospective clients.  It is how you will rise as a reliable expert in your niche over time.

To connect more with Brittany and her work, visit her website HERE.




Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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