Five Lessons We Learned From Living In Our RV

Lessons from living in an RV and running a business

I thought it would be fun to bring him on and share what we learned, what we are bringing back home with us, and how this trip changed us.

We are back from our RV trip across the U.S., and I thought…who better to record with than the guy who drove the RV the entire time (I didn’t drive a single mile of the 6,000 we drove) as we share lessons from living in an RV and running a business. While our trip was a once-in-a-lifetime special, we had different learnings. We also share funny, embarrassing, and personal stories from our 12-state adventure!

The Dream

We had always dreamed of taking our family on a motor home trip across the US, and this summer, we finally made it happen. In this episode, I wanted to share the insights I gained from the journey, and it’s even more exciting to have Justin here to share his unique perspective.

Back in the day, we both had stable jobs – I was a teacher, and Justin was a police officer. However, Justin also started his own businesses, MilMac Blades and Copper State Knife Company, which have been growing steadily. After retiring from the police department, he focused more on his businesses and also became a contractor, teaching tactical response classes to law enforcement agencies.

The decision to take this motor home trip was a dream come true, even though we knew it wasn’t a financial investment but a memory investment. Our kids were almost 12 and 14, and we felt it was the perfect time to create unforgettable memories before they grow up and pursue their own adventures. I am excited to share the lessons from living in an RV and running a business.

The Trip Details

We hit the road, traveling through 12 states, exploring the East Coast, the Outer Banks, and even venturing westward. The trip was incredible, and we had the opportunity to slow down, spend quality time together, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

You can check out the RV we were traveling in HERE.

The Biggest Lesson

For Justin, one of the biggest lessons was learning to slow down. As a former police officer, he was used to a fast-paced life, always on the go and constantly feeling the need to provide and fix things. Taking a month-long trip forced him to embrace a different pace and taught him the value of being self-employed, where he can control his efforts and prioritize what truly matters.

For me, the trip was an emotional rollercoaster, and I often found myself in tears towards the end because I didn’t want it to end. It made me realize how quickly time passes and how important it is to cherish the precious moments we have with our children. With our daughter and son growing up, we have limited summers left to spend together as a family, and this trip served as a beautiful reminder of the value of being present and intentional in our interactions.

Prioritizing US

Another significant realization was the importance of nurturing our relationship as a couple. While our children are a priority, we must also set aside time for ourselves and ensure we maintain a strong bond. The trip allowed us to focus on each other, which we want to continue doing, even amidst the demands of everyday life.

Additionally, the trip highlighted the power of efficiency and intentional time management. We were in a time warp of sorts, and it showed us how much we can accomplish in a short amount of time when we prioritize tasks and stay focused. We aim to bring this newfound productivity back into our daily lives.

Overall, the motor home trip was an incredible journey filled with valuable lessons and unforgettable memories. It has shaped our perspectives on time, family, and work, and we are determined to carry these lessons forward as we continue navigating life’s adventures together.

So, thank you all for joining us on this episode of the Best Damn Coach podcast. Until next time, take care and keep coaching them up!

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Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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