The Secret To Consistent Client Leads with Amy Walker

consistent client leads with amy walker

The Secret To Consistent Client Leads with Amy Walker

I’m excited to bring you another episode of our podcast. We are all on this wild ride of being an entrepreneur.  And I’m a firm believer that we should share not just our successes but also our struggles and the valuable lessons we’ve learned along the way.

This week, I’ve got an amazing guest with me – Amy Walker, a fantastic coach and entrepreneur (nope, no relation, just a happy coincidence). We had a great chat about some crucial, real-life topics: consistency, the power of learning from failures, and the importance of investing in ourselves.

Before we dive in, join us on 10/24 for my FREE workshop to help you create your signature coaching framework in less than 60 minutes!

Register for the workshop here.

Consistency: The Key to Success

Amy Walker, the mastermind behind Amy Walker Consulting, shared her incredible journey with us. She talked about how her business didn’t start with a bang but steadily grew over the years. It went from a challenging first year to a smashing six-figure year after a decade of entrepreneurial experience. One word: consistency.

Amy stressed the importance of finding a routine that works for you as an entrepreneur. And you know what? She’s a big fan of email marketing, which she swears by for its high open rates compared to social media. Some golden nuggets right there!

Embracing the Learning Curve

Starting a business is like navigating a maze blindfolded, and both Amy and I agreed that every entrepreneur starts from ground zero. I even shared a personal story about investing a pretty penny, expecting astronomical returns, only to see my sales drop like a rock. Ouch, right? But here’s the twist – we both see these experiences as valuable lessons. They’re the moments where we truly grasp what our businesses need to thrive. So, don’t be afraid to fail; embrace it and grow.

By the way, Amy’s got a fantastic FREE tool to help you keep tabs on your leads.

You can grab Amy’s FREE tool to track your leads HERE.

Investing in Oneself

Ever had a moment where you invested in something, and it didn’t pan out as expected? I certainly did. But you know what it taught me? The importance of clarifying my vision before seeking guidance. Amy and I both agree that it’s crucial to know your goals and make sure they align with the right mentorship. Lessons learned the hard way, right?

Balancing Vision and Guidance

Ever had a moment where you invested in something, and it didn’t pan out as expected? I certainly did. But you know what it taught me? The importance of clarifying my vision before seeking guidance. Amy and I both agree that it’s crucial to know your goals and make sure they align with the right mentorship. Lessons learned the hard way, right?

Ups And Downs Ahead…AND That’s Okay

Entrepreneurship – it’s a wild ride with its fair share of twists and turns. There’s no shortcut to success, and Amy and I want to remind you of that. Building a business takes consistency, resilience, and a whole lot of learning from both the ups and the downs.

So, whether it’s through email marketing, investing in yourself, or finding the right guidance, remember that this journey is all about embracing every step and growing from each experience. Amy Walker and I have been through it all, and we’re here to inspire you with our stories.

To connect with Amy Walker and her amazing content, head on over to her YouTube channel here.



Heya, I’m Amanda!

Coaching changed my life.

Coaching is in my blood. I became a coach for the 1st time at 15 when I coached 4-5 year old boys in a pee-wee basketball league. I then coached the hardest crowd ever as a high school teacher and coach, then added to my coaching resume Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Precision Nutrition Coach, and now Certified Master Life Coach, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. I have combined my 25 years of coaching into this program to help you become a better coach.

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